Song: “Oops, I Did It Again” A reinterpretation by a sassy singer with serious pipes gives sizzle to a simple pop song
A Strange Trip Through Elsevier A retracted preprint within Elsevier gets accepted by an Elsevier journal — and the problems are legion
Song: “The Future Is a Foreign Land” A band finds ways to get a Top 10 movie in two nights, release new music that expands its permissions, and get fans involved
“Taxpayer-funded” Bites Back Authoritarian-curious politicians are testing the argument as a way to attack university independence
eLife Execs: Not Fair & Square eLife execs can't tell it like it is, and their delusions may be what keeps them marginal
Is the AI Bubble Deflating? The AI bubble is distracting us from what truly transformed the information space
cOAlition S’ Survey Seems Unbelievable Survey results from a consultant hired by cOAlition S have a new result that seems, well, unbelievable.
It’s Not Just Scholarly Publishing The gaming industry (and the movie industry) have both suffered from tourists with agendas, as well.