It’s Not Just Scholarly Publishing The gaming industry (and the movie industry) have both suffered from tourists with agendas, as well.
Well, It’s About Time . . . cOAlition S reveals the TJ program's failures, and a call to stop using APCs
Friday Song: “You Might Think” A pop masterpiece, this was also a breakthrough in computer video design and production
Optica’s Problems Mount A meeting with Huawei in China has come to light, making the entire thing look worse
Telling Ourselves More Is Better What we care about matters, and focusing on share or volume is a distraction
OSTP Can’t Finish Its Homework Like bright but scattered schoolkids, OSTP produces interesting reading, but doesn't do the assignment
No Expertise Whatsoever From scientific communication to adolescent health to music and culture, it's a plague of our times . . .
Are the Parasites Worried? The REF29 inclusion of an OA requirement is meeting resistance, as is the resistance — because the parasites are worried