Friday Song: “Keep the Faith”

A hidden gem from a band we often neglect, this one will put some pep in your step

Bon Jovi is one of those artists who seems easy to forget about or neglect as too mainstream or something — popular in fits and starts over a long period of time, and with Jon Bon Jovi’s recent vocal health issues, disappearing from the scene for extended periods, their career trajectory hasn’t helped their legacy.

But when you encounter one of their major songs, you’re reminded what a fantastic band this could be, with great singing, playing, and songwriting.

Released in 1992, “Keep the Faith” is one such riveting song. It reached #29 on the US charts, swamped by the rocketing popularity of grunge at the time. Worldwide, the song topped the charts of Norway and Portugal and reached number five in the United Kingdom.

With a complex drum pattern, driving bass line, and superb vocal phrasing and tone, it’s a standout for those reasons alone. Throw in some piano stabs, nice dynamics, and the kind of guitar solo that only expands the song’s resonance and deepens its emotional impact, and you’ve got a shining gem of a song that fits perfectly for me into a Friday in August.


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