“Openwashing” Calling something "open" doesn't mean it is — because there are limits, and because we don't agree what it means
Harassment and Bad Business Scientists intimidated, and missing the root cause of a terrible information ecosystem
Friday Song: “The Pretender” Written in haste (a theme for many hits), this award-winning song continues to thrill to this day
Is OA Ripe for Money Laundering? A new preprints operator offers a token, and our new reality seems to invite money laundering
AI, Music, and Perverse Incentives Music streaming services are fooling around with playlists to boost profits and marginalize artists — and MIT's empty D2O boasting
Optica Under the Microscope Congressional leaders are asking about anonymous donations from a Chinese technology company
Friday Song: “Here I Go Again” Sex, weaponized high heels, and rock 'n' roll — that's what you get this Friday
Wiley Closes a Crop of Journals Wiley closes more journals, a signifier of how publishing has become about commodities, not communities
Hypocrisy & Academic Freedom A webinar about academic freedom is being sponsored by a publisher known for trying to constrain it