Song: “Christmas All Over Again” With another Top 10 hit in hand, this Petty holiday song seems to be gaining in popularity as well, and may be destined to be a classic.
A Note of Thanks I don't do this alone, so here's some gratitude at the end of 2023 to everyone who helps make this possible and good.
Is FOIA Broken? Constraints, redactions, and response times have all increased, making this tool far less effective
Song: “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” With lyrics by Woodie Guthrie, this 2:20 gem does the city of Boston proud.
Look In the Mirror, Higher Ed Higher education has no standing to lecture others on waste, lack of accountability, or exploitation and greed
LLMs’ Surprising Ripple Effects Nobody is sitting on the sidelines as LLMs roll out, marking a major shift from a quarter-century ago.
Song: “Love Is a Long Road” A hidden gem provides the score to a long-awaited video game release trailer.
Is OA Making Us Dumb? The more involved with OA we become, the less sensitive to others, the more corrupt, and the dumber we seem.