Storming Off — To What End? Some editors resign, and the world keeps turning — again — while we get a peek into why
Review: “Crash Landing” How large companies survived the Covid-19 economic whiplashes — interesting, tiresome, and some major gaps
The Spin in Preprint Abstracts A new paper finds that abstracts of preprints are more biased and less complete — at all stages
Friday Song: “This = Love” A great modern band suffers a death, but their music lives on to inspire others
Putting the AI in “Guardrails” Information guardrails are being formulated by governments and enabled by AI, LLMs, and ML
The Rights Stuff Two recent movies deal with securing rights — both are riveting, with lessons about why rights are important
“RadioLab” Tackles Sci-Hub Journalists fail to recognize game, but an interviewer reveals Elbakyan to be a sad head case
Preprints Don’t Work for OSTP The week classified documents leaked via a Discord server, preprint servers pitch themselves as an OSTP solution
The Backlash Against OA Builds More cracks are appearing in the walls of OA ideology — but will reason ultimately prevail?