Song: “Someone Like You” A classic that couldn't be improved after one of its first performances, despite multiple efforts
OA and Right-Wing Rhetoric Right-wing politicians and OA advocates have more in common in their rhetoric and mindsets than you might think
Equity or Uniformity? Extremism in sheep's clothing is still extremism, and equity can squash freedoms
ChatGPT Says It’s Not an Author ChatGPT may not be the problem — our tendency to assign consciousness to inanimate objects may be
Friday Song: “I Will Run To You” Some songwriters generate so many great songs, some — like this one — get lost in the sands of time.
Flawed Data, Bad Assumptions Again and again, preprint analyses fail to account for the amount of peer-review occurring before preprints are posted
Can We Trust Authors? With ChatGPT now an author on a scientific paper, does our level of trust go up? Or down?