Interns and Identities at SPARC Why was a government employee emailing the head of SPARC about interns and materials for them? Why do some people working for a lobbyist have so many titles?
Blinded Peer Review & Preprints An insight is one thing, but understanding what it might mean another entirely
Three Mental Stimulants Influencer transparency, Section 230 under pressure, and a great amicus brief
More Shade from SPARC & NVF Since 2018, a lobbyist, SPARC employees, and people without disclosed interests have been allowed in
Friday Song: “Stand Back” Inspired by Prince, and with Prince contributing the iconic synths, the song remains popular to this day
Introverts & Modern Science If science and scholarship is full of introverts, why are we forcing more performative tasks on them?
Two Thoughts for Tuesday What kind of cloud cover does a domain extension provide? And are we losing something existential by gradually forgetting our audience?
Will OSTP’s Guidance Hold? Did the interim Director set up a tenuous situation for her permanent boss?
Friday Song: “Closer to Fine” About incremental progress, this was a breakthrough song for the Indigo Girls
The NIH Preprint Pilot Update A new "report" from the NIH on its preprint indexing pilot reveals more than intended