Friday Song: “Around & Around” First popularized by the Rolling Stones, this Chuck Berry classic is rockin' again thanks to Tom Petty
Trickle-Down Infonomics The literature is becoming something best ignored, thanks to the insurrectionists
The Best Thing About Post When you properly blunt speed and scale, information consumption becomes focused and efficient
There’s Been a Murder The reader-focused journals world has been left for dead, two guys think they'll tackle scientific AI, and BMJ Medicine struggles with open peer-review
Friday Song: “My Maria” A 1973 hit that was a retread of a hit that should have been the writer's, covered again by Brooks & Dunn
Now — Attempted Bribery Article production has its own corruptions, up to and including attempted bribery
Thoughts for Taco Tuesday Speed, scale, "pre," and responsibilities — just a few fixings for your Taco Tuesday
Friday Song: “Drive Home” A "Comfortably Numb" vibe and a legendary solo played on a broken guitar, this one resonates.
Altmetric & Twitter Turbulence With Twitter becoming less stable, Altmetric is being forced to give it a hard look once again — and consider alternatives