Three Thursday Thoughts Has the OSTP dog caught the accountability car? Why do we now enshrine articles? And who knew?
OSTP’s Adopted Blinders A fixation on paywalls blinds OSTP and the OA movement to real sources of inequity, and real challenges for science
Friday Song: “Smoke on the Water” A classic song recorded in a panic, conveying a true story the band experienced firsthand
The List of PPP Forgiveness Scholarly non-profits and for-profits took out PPP loans, and hundreds of millions were forgiven
Can Twitter Recover? A whistleblower's damning revelations may have dire consequences for the platform
The CDC Missteps Into Preprints The CDC pushes for more preprinting at a time that shows them to be out of step
ARC Backs Off Preprints The Australian Research Council decides preprints aren't eligible research outputs
Book Review: "Ways and Means" A history of the Civil War views the outcome on economic terms — to great effect