Workable vs. Unworkable Fixes Another EIC's concerns about preprints, and Aspen Digital's poor recommendations
The Transgressive Arborists Adherents to a techno-utopian ideology can't see the forest for the trees
Friday Song: "Right On Time" Brandi Carlile — and SNL — deliver a game-changing mix of magic and music
What Does a Retraction Signify? Commonly associated with journal quality, retractions are . . . complicated
A Business Model Worth Defending Business models shape behavior — and are a critical choice for the future
Results: CZI Funding of bio/medRxiv Optics are a source of concern, while preprint platforms draw some ire, too
Survey: CZI Funding of med/bioRxiv A quick poll asking a core question about funding, trust, and sources of power
A Trio of Topics for Tuesday Thoughtless idealism, a glaring strategic opportunity, and strategy as bad sci-fi