An Appetite for Destruction A new JISC initiative seeks to destroy value and incentives while calling it "disruption"
Substack, Sick Time, and Digital Activists A report in a newsletter leads to change, and a study of its effects in Health Affairs
Let's End the Brief Era of Scare -ing Thoughtless injection of hype and emotionalism is a new and lazy writing style
PPP Loans and Vaccine Mandates Are scholarly non-profits that took PPP loans mandating vaccination for their staff?
A Journalist and Two Preprints Mislead Preprint authors, servers, and health journalists are dabbling in inflammatory angles
Elsevier's OA Win — and Florida's Fail Predictable consequences arrive, and — as always — the question is, "Now what?"
Friday Song: "Cult of Personality" The hearings on the Capitol Insurrection bring to mind a groundbreaking '80s song
Moving Southeast, Toward Lockdown Giving up authority and rigor created room for confusion — and we all pay the price
Three Wishes for the Future If I could change a few things about the scholarly Internet, these might be on the list