Friday Song: “September” An Earth, Wind, and Fire classic seems simple, but oozes with subtle touches
Sci-Hub, Copyright, and Creativity Libertarian politics undergird techno-utopianism. Canada can teach us a lesson.
Two Decades of Anti-vax Algorithms For more than 20 years, they’ve been silently sowing doubt, discord, and disease
Book Review: "Saved By a Song" A memoir by a celebrated singer-songwriter ends up holding more than expected
Copyright Criminal Wants Crypto The pseudo-rebels may support it, but "rule of law" means what it means
Biomedical Preprinting Is Low Yield An analysis shows Covid-19 preprints yielded little, and BMJ Best Practice responds
"Academia Letters" and Click Bait A new experiment seeks short works, then uses these to chum the waters
CrossRef's Positional Opportunity With predatory publishers, hijacked journals, and more, it's time to be more obvious
Unpacking "Discoverability" Invoked without thought, the term may defeat inquiry and conceal other barriers