Friday Song: "Time Stand Still" The US Army Band "Pershing's Own" pays tribute with a compelling performance
Some Passages to Contemplate Four favorite quotes from this past year highlight some key ideas worthy of review
Preprints In Clinical Support Tools Three POC tools now cite Covid preprints, adding value — but execution needs work
Updating Two Preprint Stories Is claiming a preprint will be posted a new PR head fake? Plus, Australia.
Covid-19, AIDS, and Media Matters During AIDS, pressures on journals were similar — but they held the line
Australian Science Faces Preprints Preprint advocates decry peer review policies, and a well-worn drama ensues
Twitter, Altmetric, and When 0.25=1 Digging into explanations leads to more questions about unnecessary complexity
Altmetric Devalues Twitter, Tells Nobody Altmetric slashes its biggest source's contribution, neglects to tell even its own staff
Ivermectin Preprint, Poison Control Calls Most of the calls to poison control in one state seem to point back to a bad preprint