Publishing Software Survey

Let's all find out what we think about publishing software these days

Publishing Software Survey

Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you ready to express your love of publishing tech?

With talk of tech all around us, I thought this would be a good time for a survey asking you about the tech in your organizations. 

STM has been at the forefront of digital publishing technology since the inception of the Internet. Thanks to collaborations and healthy competition throughout the ecosystem, there are myriad tools designed to interact with every stage of the publishing life cycle and beyond.

Please take a few minutes by clicking on the survey below to anonymously share your experiences, likes and dislikes, and hope for the future of software solutions in STM. The first question is open-ended, so be ready to think a little off the bat. After that, it’s a quick jaunt to completion.

Results will be published for all once the survey seems complete.


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