Survey: Social and Personal Check-in

Is Covid-19 taking a toll on our mental health and relationships? A short survey.

Survey: Social and Personal Check-in

Dealing with the consequences of Covid-19 is proving to be a long slog, almost no matter where you live. How are we holding up when it comes to stress, anxiety, relationships, socializing, and so forth? How are those around us doing? Are we developing good new habits, or baking in some potentially worrisome ones?

Many employers are helping staff deal with such matters, but a more general comparison across the field hasn’t emerged, to my knowledge. So, I’ve created a short survey to get your feedback. It should take approximately 3 minutes to complete. I’ll publish the aggregate results as soon as the response rate is sufficient to provide a sensible and reasonable picture.

This survey complements our other Covid-related surveys, which generated initial results in April, and its follow-up noting some interesting shifts in attitudes and realities in early August.

Your input is important, and the survey is anonymous/confidential.


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